Chargement ...

Hôtel Bellevue Mimizan ★★

34 Avenue Maurice Martin
40200 Mimizan, France

Tél : +33 5 58 09 05 23
Fax : +33 5 58 09 19 15
contact (at) hotel-bellevue-mimizan (dot) com

Latitude : 44.2134083
Longitude : -1.2937264

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Directions & Free Parking at the Hotel 

Easy to access from the motorways A10, A89 , A63 and A62 , Hotel Bellevue offers free parking and a garage for your bikes .

Directly in front of the hotel a large public car park is also available.

Mimizan is close to 4 airports and is served by public transport.

Getting to the Hôtel Bellevue à Mimizan by car

The main axes in France to Mimizan :

  • From Paris with the A10 and the A63 take the / Sabres exit 15 Escource
  • From Lyon with the A89 and the A63 take the / Sabres exit 15 Escource
  • From Marseille with the A61 and take the N124 towards Bordeaux and Mont de Marsan then Sabres

Getting to  Mimzan from nearby cities :

  • Bordeaux (120 km): A 63 - N10 , exit 16 Labouheyre - D626
  • Toulouse (245 km): A 62 : exit 6 Damazan - D8 - D 933 - D 626
  • Bayonne (111 km): A 63 - N10 , exit 15 Cap Pin - D 44
  • Agen (180 km): A 62 : exit 6 Damazan - D8 - D 933 - D 626
  • Auch (180 km): D 124 - D 6 - D30 - N 134 to Sabres - D44

Getting to the Hotel Bellevue Mimizan by plane

5 airports are located near Mimizan :


Bus shuttles operate between the airport and the railway station of Bordeaux St Jean

  • Biarritz - PARMA (120 km)
  • AIRPORT Pau - Pyrenees (150 km)
  • AIRPORT Bergerac - Dordogne / Périgord (210 km)
  • AIRFIELD OF MIMIZAN ( Escource Road - Tel 05 58 09 10 00)

Getting to the Hotel Bellevue by train

The two closest stations to Mimizan are:


Direct lines operate to town’s such as Bordeaux , Bayonne, Mont de Marsan

This station is connected to Mimizan by bus on weekdays from October to late May and daily from June to September.